Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Post that Wasn't

The big red haired guy has been doing a lot of messing around with the computers lately. A couple of days ago he had two of them hooked together. I am not sure what he was doing. He had Peanut's girl sitting by him reading things on one computer screen and he would say, "check." When he was done fooling around the small laptop was back on the desk.

Today I was going to post about Dawson's package from Willow. The crazy old lady got home from work this morning and was going to help me. She said, "lets find the pictures we want." We went to pictures, nothing there. We went to shared pictures, nothing there. We went to documents, nothing there. I think she did this several times. Like she couldn't figure out there were no pictures the first time through. Hoomans can be so scary at times. At this point she was saying some HBO words that should not be repeated. "Moco", she says to me. "That goof forgot to reload the pictures from one computer to the other when he was messing around. He better hope that he didn't lose all those pictures that you have stored." I really had to agree with her. The big red haired guy is off motorcycle riding at this moment and who knows when he will return. You can bet I am going to give him a piece of my mind when he gets home and make him cough up all those pictures. We will post about Dawson's goody exchange package when the photos are returned to the correct computer.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That would be absolutely devestating if you loose all your pictures. Mom keeps saying she needs to back hers up. This may give her some inspiration...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Lacy said...

w00f's Moco and all...hmmm mama says da same thing, she needs to back up all our picturs...b4 she gits the blue screen of shure hopes u can find ur picturs...

b safe,

Joe Stains said...

oh dear anytime two computers get hooked together there are bound to be HBO words for sure. I hope you find the missing photos!

Peanut said...

Don't let pappy near the computer again. Glad to see our girl is doing some work while she is there. :)

Duke said...

Computer issues go right over mom's head! She's a computer dummy for sure! We hope your pictures aren't lost!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kodak the Eskie said...

We're sorry that your pictures aren't on your computer. My mommy's computer crashed a few months ago and she lost everything on it. I hope you can get them loaded soon so we can see some pictures of you!!

Hugs, Kodak

Chef said...

Aw geez, Moco. Why don't those humans just leave the computer wizardry to us? Sometimes they are just so dumb.

Hope you're enjoying your gifts!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Moco!
Sure I hope he comes back home soon and put your pictures in the right place! I am sure they are not lost... just in the wrong place!
Kisses and hugs

Snowball said...

I hope that the pictures are safe. It will be horrible if they are lost.


Asta said...

Mommi has been saying HBO wowds all day at the pootew today must be going wound...I hope you find the pictoowes again..meantime go and have and ice cweam...
Mommi and I saw Vincetn Donofwio, and Chwis Noth, and The Sopwanos
guy and Julianne Moowe, Joe Gwey.and a bunch of othews I don't know..they'we always awound hewe..we nevew saw Jewwy Owbach..but we loved him lots!
smoochie kisses

Petra said...

Uh-uh, Pappy is in trouble! I hope you get those pictures back soon. Motch doesn't know a thing about computers except how to type on the keyboard.

Mack said...

You know what my big red headed dad did???

He lost my baby pics!! Including my most prized picture - the one of me tearing up my first couch!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Poor Moco,
We have a similar problem here. They can't remember if they downloaded pictures to Momma's laptop, Dad's or the external drive. I took them a week to find the pictures from the trip to see my grandparents.

Princess Eva

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh boy. I hope you'll find those pictures soon

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh mo Moco, hope the piccies aren't lost forever. Good luck getting them back.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Frasier said...

Oh Moco,thats bad!I hope you can get it all back!We need to take some !We are struggling to get back to our routine so badly I wish I had fingers,I miss blogging!

Deetz said...

I sure hope the pictures are there...surely they are.....can't wait to see them

Sarah K. said...

I hope you find the pictures. We are looking forward to seeing them!

Patience-please said...

ruh-roh... we lost all our ours when our old computer crashed, thenthe servant paid money to get them retrieved, then she never made a copy of the retrieved DVD, and now it's worn out and won't work.

wags from the whippets