Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Poop-O-Matic

Grammie believes that most things can be used more than once. You make rags out of old clothes. The old cheap yard swing becomes a yard decoration. Grocery bags are used for lunch sacks and garbage can liners. (Note: that was before you could get all those nifty reusable grocery sacks.) I am sure you are getting the idea.

One day she is watching Modern Marvels. The show was about living greener. What do you suppose that she saw on that show that she thought would be a good thing to have to help the environment? That crazy old lady bought this item: What in the world is that you ask. It is a composter. It even has its own mixer. She put dirt, baking soda and sawdust pellets into the machine. This is suppose to get the process started.The most important ingredient to go into the composter was yet to come. Yes, you can put food items into it, but this was made for poop. Believe it or not she bought this thing to compost OUR poop. Is she nutso or what? She has some notion that this will decrease our carbon footprint. Dawson saw what she was up to and went right to work helping her. He is such a suck up!

The big red haired guy and Peanut's girl are always telling Nutso Woman that the machine stinks. How goofy are they, it's friggin compost. Of course it stinks. So far she has saved about a months worth of poop from going to the land fill. She even was able to put some of the finished product on her rhodies. Go, figure!


Lizzy said...


Whoa, a poop composter! How cool is that?! I think it's pawesome, hee hee.

I hope you're all having a grrrrEAT weekend!


Mack said...

I bet she has the prettiest flowers on the block though!

Peanut said...

maybe grammie should move it off the deck. Mom says if she had the money she would buy one of those things.

Petra said...

Ha! This is something I never heard of, but it sure sounds interesting. Go grammy!

Duke said...

Did the Rhodies bloom bigger and better this year? Mom wants to know! We're not sure that we think our poop should be tampered with in this way!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

woah I think that is a GREAT idea!!!

wally said...

That's awesome! My ma ape wants to know where you got it! My baby brudder's um, output, is a modern marvel.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Moco!
That things sounds very interesting! I never thought our poop would be useful!
Kisses and hugs

The Brat Pack said...

Mom wants to know where she got it so she can check it out. The ones she saw here are only big enough for 1-2 of us which means we'd need 2 or 3.


PS My life is so boring, now I'm talking about recycling my poop.

Dexter said...

Hmmm... I didn't know you could use doggie poop on your flowers. I have a gigundo pile of it in the back of the yard that momma has been collecting ever since I was a pup. Its kind of stinky.


Willow the Black Dale said...

Hmmm how very interesting this contraption is! I wonder if one of these would help my boy pick up my poopies better! He hates this chore!! What a modern marvel it is!! It looks as if grammie is having lots of fun with it!!!

i said...

A poop composter? Sounds really cool! Bet you'll have the best garden in the neigbourhood after this!

Deetz said...

Recycled poop.......laughing so hard
That crazy ol lady

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Grandma is one smart lady.. She is doing her part to be green... Go Grandma!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Tadpole said...

OhMyDog! It's like your very own fridge too keep your poo until you're ready to eat it! I want to get one too!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh Dawson sure is nice to go help. That looks pretty interesting. I've never seen that before

~ Girl girl

Lady Kaos said...

Wow, ummm that's weird. Mom says she wants to start a compost pile when we finally get in our new house for flowers and a veggie garden. We didn't know there was a special machine to help. Mom was going to use a shovel!

Koobuss said...

Oh boy!!

I really don't know what to say about that. However, I do know, Moco, that you were sure right about the black mulch! What could it's purpose be other than to make us happy? Sort of like the way compost makes humans happy. Hehe.

Koobuss Kisses,

Charlie said...

Let us know how it works out. And if you should need more poop for it...
- Charlie

Asta said...

I bet you'll have the pwettiest floweews evew!!!
I do wish I had a hooge yawd sometimes, but I love all the city stuff walking to all the ewwands wif Mommi and nevew being left behind.
smoochie kisses

Mack said...

PeeS: You are so right. Our neighbor is a blue heeler and not a red one. See Paris is even sillier than I thought!!

Willow the Black Dale said...

My boy loves this idea....who new? He said he hasn't seen this one on TV. He loves the stuff you can order on TV....he is all about that even at the tender age of 10. I think you 2 would hit it off. I think I better start hiding my poopies. (mom and dad just shake their heads at his enthusiasm.)


Petra said...

I just have to say this: I love how you refer to Leah as "Lovely Leah". When she put her name and number in my cell phone, she signed her name this way. How did YOU know that?!


leah said...

Don't let Tadpole find out about that compost thing -- he'll think it's a mixer to make dinner or something.

(Oh, I just scrolled up and saw his comment.. What did I tell ya?!)

And thank you so much for the birthday wishes and your encouragement!! I really appreciate it!


Asta said...

We can't affowd a wedding...I hope it's a long engagement, hehehe
smoochie kisses

Chef said...

Recylable poops. Cool! Now I can go all over the garden to save the environment. Yup. I like this green business. Thanks Grammie.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Moco,
Hmmm.. you got your very own poop composter.. It's a pretty good idea actually. Look at it this way, every part of us is so useful.. even our poop! I bet your Grammie's got the most beautiful flowers around!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Dad bought a similar thing 9 years ago. It's still in the box.

Princess Eva

Kodak the Eskie said...

Very cool to compost your poop! Better than having it sit in a plastic bag for a thousand years!

Hugs, Kodak

Patience-please said...

This frightens us mightily.

too scared to wag, we are the whippets

Snowball said...

Wow! Do you have a picture of the end products?


Bella the Boxer said...

Go, Grammie!! Make sure she takes pictures of her "souped up" (or should I say, "pooped up") garden!

xoxo - Bella