Monday, August 25, 2008

Travels with the Grammie

To continue the adventure to get to Peanut's house the jolly carload had to go from South Dakota to Nebraska (where Wally's GranNE lives) into Kansas (howdy to Stanley, Stella and Deetzy) on to Oklahoma (luckily no one broke out in song), through Texas ( waved to Mack ,The Brat Pack , Gus, Louie, Callie and Cubby). After driving for over 25 hours they were able to find their way onto the Army base. I was told that they had 3 very nice days with Peanut, Flash, Shelby and the boy. As is life all good thinks must come to an end as they had to return home so that Grammie could reenter the work force. Grammie says. "Moco, there is no more wonderful sight then when you see the Columbia. and Mt. Hood. You really know you are home at that time." I think the next time she might take us and leave Pappy at the house.


Mack said...

It sounds like Grammie had an awesome time!

Shelby is a really big kitty. Yikes, I think I just might be afraid of him....

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It sounds like you had a Grammie had a wonderful time and a really long trip. Thanks for the wave...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lacy said...

w00f's Moco and all, wow a pawsome trip ur grammie had....iz fort polk close to NC, me didnt seed her wavin at me...heehee dats funny gonna leave pappy at home next time..ask grammie who wood change a flat tire iffin u all has one, we cants cause us doggies got no thumbs....

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Moco!
25 hours driving?? Wow!
Sure that was a long trip!
I know she had a great time with Peanut, Flash, Shelby and the boy!
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wat a nice trip to visit peanut's family

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Moco...Mt. Hood is absolutely bootiful!!! Sounds like Grammie had a wonderful trip...but it's always good to get home!

Barkin' at ya!!!


Joe Stains said...

Mt Hood looks fabulous! Sounds like your Grammie had a wonderful time!

i said...

That sounds like a wonderful trip. But 25 hours drive is quite a distance! Love the beautiful pictures!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh look like Grammie had a fun vacation travelling. :)

~ Girl girl

Chef said...

What a great road trip ... and the new camera is taking great pictures. Fun!!


Petra said...

Peanut and Flash are sure working on those bones!

I'm glad you had a safe trip. 25 hours is l-o-n-g, very long!

Deetz said...

That was one fat cat...I could have swore I saw your grammie wave when she drove by.....
Those photo's were so pretty!!!!!!

Lady Kaos said...

She almost came through Colorado! They could have made it an even longer trip and made a little bit of loop and came through where I live! That would have made for some extra time inthe car isntead of spending it with Flash and his family though. Maybe next time! lol

Jake of Florida said...

We loved your photos and the narrative!!

But the real reason for this comment is to ask you if you remember the squeaky light bulbs you sent the Boyz for the Gift Exchange? Well one has died from an excess of squeaking -- but the other one is still alive and well and JH has been squeaking it enthusiastically for the last fifteen minutes!!! :)


Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh wow... looks like Grammie had a great time!! Can't imagine she spent 25 hours driving!! Any chance Grammie can drive to Singapore for her next vacation?

wally said...

What a trip! That's a long drive. I hope you packed plenty of snacks. You could have stopped into my GranNE's house. She always has snacks in the fridge. And if you look pathetic enough she will give you one and tell you you're a good boy.

wally t.

Kodak the Eskie said...

That's a long roadtrip, but looks like you had a good time! Nothing like home sweet home though. Mount Hood looks so beautiful.

Hugs, Kodak

Patience-please said...

What a trip!!! We think maybe you did ok staying home. That would have been a lot of time "holding it" in the car!

wags from the whippets

Asta said...

You should absolutely go next time..what a bootifultwip!
It was gweat to see you aboawd aiw Ruby!!! I love all my fwiendses
smoochie kisses

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I bet you were happy to see Grammie back home. That's a long drive. I know because we drive almost that whole drive and I did NOT want to get in the car.


Bella the Boxer said...

Isn't great when you see Mt. Hood?! Mom is standing over my shoulder, by the way...she wants to make it clear that I got PLENTY of turkey and cheese while she was making sandwiches for their hike. She says I ex-ex-exagerate sometimes (whew, that's a hard word!!).

xoxo - Bella

Jake of Florida said...


Shortly after we wrote to you last time, after 20 minutes of continued ear-piercing squeaking, JH succeeded in killing the squeaky light bulb. Fortunately, Mom was there to find the socket thingy parts he had chewed off. So, we appreciate your kind offer of another one, but we think JH's career as an electrician is done for the moment!! He definitely enjoyed it while it lasted and he still has a few of the other fun toys Foley sent -- so he is happy (and we is blissfully quiet!!)

(Mom made me write this.)


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You will really love the Cole Valley Treats. We do the jerky is to die for..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dexter said...

That sure was a long drive, but worth the trip with Peanut and the gang waiting for you.

Its always good to get home again.


Deanna said...

Awe! You should have stopped to visit!