Can Anyone Take a Decent Picture?
What happens when you give a brain dead woman who has a thousand pairs of Dollar Store glasses (that she can't find) a camera? See for yourself.
I can even see that is her toe. Hello, anyone home at this address. We think not! I think I will go take a nap and try to forget that she controls the treats.
Uh oh, looks like mom might be slipping a few gears.
Our grandparents have a zillion pairs of dollar store glasses too, Tanner LOVES to eat them! sorry you have to deal with that ;)
Grammie needs help. She really does. Does mom need to come take care of her.
Don't be quite so hard on her Moco. Our mom has the hardest time keeping up with the doallar store glasss too! (But she DOES say are you sure it's just the glasses. She says even she can tell a toe without the glasses!) long as you get your treats and dinners. That's the main thing! When she can't see those, then is when you hollar for help!
Oh Moco...does your sister do like my mommy does for Apache's mommy? EVERYTHING but blog??? Now.....grandma is wanting more work done. Sheesh doesn't she know mommy is trying to figure mine out???
Ummmmm take that camera and put it in the mail.....send it to my mommy.....she knows what to do with it!!!teehee
Hi, Moco!
That is a good looking toe! Not like my mom's!
Kisses and hugs
We knew it was her toe right off! Her picture taking isn't that bad, Moco! We've seen worse!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That looks like a perfectly good picture to me.. I like to lick toes...
Maybe your mommy wanted to take a picture of her toe! Maybe she had a good reason (???) And for a toe picture, it's pretty darn good...Let up on her, will ya?
w00f's Moco, Foley and Dawson...heehee, u member when mama tooked a picksur of her fat thinks her and grammie iz kindred spirits...
b safe,
we dogs sure hv a better eyesight than human do
What is a Dollar Store glasses? It's quite funny that your Mom took a photo of her toe...=P Perhaps she's trying to take a funny photo? *wink*
BTW Moco, I left a little something for you at my blog...come check it out! *wink*
Ermmm.. Don't be too hard on your grammie. My mom has decent eyesight but her photography skills are horrible too!!
Is her toe ok?
~ Girl girl
Was she trying to take a photo of you Moco?? If so then yes it's not good but she might have a thing for toes in which case it's a great pic.
Its a good picture of a toe....she keeps her toe nice and clean and ... I mean, for a toe, its a nice toe....I wonder what she will take a picture of next...
Mommi can't see to shave hew leggies in the showew, she has to sit in the tub and bwing hew foot weal close, hehehehe
Thank you fow youw healing ciwcles!
smoochie kisses
erm....I feel like licking her toe. wahahahaha
slurpy licks,
My question is what was she trying to take a picture of?
They sell those chains at the ollar store too that you hook the glasses to and put them around your kneck so you always know where they are. That could be a Christmas presant idea for you. *wink* lol
Oh Moco-
I think my mom has Grammie beat in the bad picture taking department. Mom always blames it on the camera **snicker**
Oh Moco, would you like her to take a picture of your paw? That's a good shot of the toe.
At least she's not taking pictures of YOUR toes, right?!?
xoxo - Bella
We will be safe. The coast is a long way from us. We probably will just get a lot of rain.. Thanks for the warning..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Grammie is just bored, waiting for the grand opening of the home for Wayward Older and Wiser Dogs.
Or, it might be the aliens.
wally t.
Thanks Moco. I think we should all be reminded of what happened all the time, so we never forget what a tragedy 9/11 was.
hi Moco, thanks for visiting our blog. we hope that The Toe will be able to give you some treats. actually, it's a better toe than our mom has!
We're very curious how you travel with dogs and where you stay. We're trying to persuade our folks to take us with them to St. Loulis for Christmas.
xxx Jake and Just Harry
We're very curious how you travel with dogs and where you stay. We're trying to persuade our folks to take us with them to St. Loulis for Christmas.
xxx Jake and Just Harry
Thanks fow the compliment..Mommi loves twees too, but nevew leaves a pee mail...hoomans awe weiwd
smoochie kisses
Yup, it's definitely a toe.
wags from the whippets (don't tell, but the you-know-what got mailed today!!! Woooo-hoooo, we can't wait and you're the only one we can tell, Moco!!!! Shhhhhhhh!)
At last count Mumsie has at least 5 pairs of glasses...all but 2 are lost...sorta like socks in the dryer, ya know!!
That pic of her toe is Andy Warhol artwork...that pic is gonna be worth a FORTUNE...
AND Mango thinks she "slippin' a few gears"...shows the Most Large is not a fine CONO SEWER of ART.
Monet Barks...Laciegirl
It is so sad that your Mum has no photographic sense, but we all have crosses to bear. Yours appears to be as big as ours! BOL!
We live in Philomath, Oregon! Small world to have you in Oregon too! And we think Edgar looks like Cooper around the eyes.
Thanks for getting in touch, we're adding you to our favorite blog list - you've got our sense of humor!
Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
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