Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Tag

My niece Diamond and my nephew Pulver tagged me to find a picture out of a folder that had not been blogged about. We are never sure what we have done as the crazy old bat can't remember past 2 seconds ago.

We found this one from last winter.

Foley and I had a long conversation about this photo and came to the conclusion that we were scouting possible places to put tomato plants in the spring. We were thinking that it would have to be a major important project to get us out in that weather.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Great picture. It cooled us off..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said...

How we wish it was snowing here right now! Great picture, guys!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Thor and Jack said...

Good job! Great picture!


Dexter said...

Nice to see a little snow. Hope those tomato plants worked out for you.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...




♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is so good to see snow pictures with the heat we are having. And it would be even nicer if the snow gods would send us some of that white stuff next winter, we were severely deprived of it last time.

Nice pic, thanks for sharing.

woos, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Hi, Moco!
I like your picture!
And the story behind it!
Kisses and hugs

Bae Bae said...

Haaa. what a pawsome picture with great idea.

~ Bae

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

Ahhhhhhhh, winter. I love winter! I love to eat snow! Thanks for reminding me.


Tee said...

Ohhhh, now if we could have some of those melted snow in our neck of the woods!

Licks and wags

TUffy and the Dog WOods Pack

Deanna said...

That snow makes me cold! Dakota got all excited when she saw it, though.

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Snow! Glorious Snow! We could use some here.

Joe Stains said...

I just want to stare at this photo and think about being cooler.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Awww... The good ole days of winter. I'm ready for the snow to me back for sure!


Mack said...

Oh man I would really LOVE to see some snow about now! Great pic!

wally said...

Oh I like this one! The snow makes me feel cool.

Today we moved and my ma ape threw out my brudder's crate pad so she put my Wally Blankie in for him but when we got to the house I decided to hang out in his crate--which I've never done before--so I could be with my favorite blankie. It is nice to have something comforting when you're a little nervous nelly. Thanks, Grammie!

wally t.

i said...

Looking at the picture made me really wistful...It has been really hot over here lately. So was it really about tomato planting?

Petra said...

Haha! Your hard work really paid off because you have some beautiful tomoatoes!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We just love snow so your pic got us nostalgic. It's supposed to be a hot one here today. Maybe even 90 degrees. Yikes.