These fellows came to visit one day. We thought that they were relatives of Foley, but now we aren't sure where they came from. Foley won't say if they are related or not.
Oh Moco you do live wif some stwqnge hoomans..I do think foley is the best looking of the bunch, but then I'm sowt of pwejoodiced in favow of woofies, hehehe smoochie kisses ASTA
Hi Gang, Thanks so much for the Christmas card!! It's so nice to meet you!! Speaking of cards, I need to get cracking on mine! I will be back to visit ;)
I think it's pretty obvious that they are the Chick-fil-A cows from the commercials (do you have those there) and they have come to provide you all with a life-time supply of free hamburgers!
Hi guys!! We got your pawsome Christmas card yesterday!! Thank you SO much. Moms is trying to get ours out in the mail today...she's so slow sometimes!! Come visit us!
Foley - who are these aliens??? Just got your xmas card and had to come check you guys out! Thanks so much for introducing yourselves to us with your great card! Happy Holidays! Hugs xo Sammie
Yours was the first DWB holiday card that we received this year! Thank you so much! We just mailed out our first batch of cards today. Woof, Keeley, Teagan, & Erin
The little one looks happy to be there..the big one not so much.
They do look a lot like Foley. I bet they are related in some way.
WOW, life really is difFURent in the Pacifikh NW!
interesting looking whatever those are. Only the Folster would have relatives like that.
Interesting, what are they dressed are? Relatives??? HMMMM Not so sure! They look nothing like Moco! Although, the little one is very cute!
that is so cute..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Very interesting - now who is going to figure out who or what they are??? C'mon, Foley, speak up.
woos, the OP Pack
omdog LOL Did they take Foley with them when they left?
Huh. They are definitely an odd pair.
They sure stand funny. Do there noses work? That would give a clue.
wags from the whippets
Oh Moco
you do live wif some stwqnge hoomans..I do think foley is the best looking of the bunch, but then I'm sowt of pwejoodiced in favow of woofies, hehehe
smoochie kisses
I can see the resemblance!
Foley needs to tell us the story!
Kisses and hugs
It looks like one big happy family to us!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Those are very tall puppies.
They are very snappy dressers.
Aww...they are so cute dressed up alike like that! *grins*
Yeah, Foley, some kin folk I don't want to claim either!
- C
I can bet all my treats that they must be related.. C'mon, there's no denying the fact that they look a lot like Foley!!
The junior one must have something delish in his hand, judging from his big smile and Foley's nose!
We know, we know! MUTT AND JEFF! Are we right? Knew it!
Riley and Star.
Interesting visitors. Must be related to Foley.
Interesting looking. I wanna hear more about it.
Are those Foley's cousins? Did you give them any treats?
EEEKs!!! There are ghosts in your house, Moco!!
Well, you all sure look happy! You must be related!
Oh.. they look kinda similar. I think they should be related
~ Bae
yep! Definitely related!
Thanks for your comment on ours, we have been very bad bloggers of late.
Marvin xxxxx
Moco, I don't know what is going on in this photo but you live in a very interesting house.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! (Those things look suspiciously like cows. You might want to taste them to see)
wally t.
Call the fashion police! ;)
Hi Gang,
Thanks so much for the Christmas card!! It's so nice to meet you!! Speaking of cards, I need to get cracking on mine! I will be back to visit ;)
Elizabeth & Luna
I think it's pretty obvious that they are the Chick-fil-A cows from the commercials (do you have those there) and they have come to provide you all with a life-time supply of free hamburgers!
Hi guys!! We got your pawsome Christmas card yesterday!! Thank you SO much. Moms is trying to get ours out in the mail today...she's so slow sometimes!! Come visit us!
Woofs and Kisses!!
Foley - who are these aliens??? Just got your xmas card and had to come check you guys out! Thanks so much for introducing yourselves to us with your great card! Happy Holidays!
Hugs xo
Yours was the first DWB holiday card that we received this year! Thank you so much! We just mailed out our first batch of cards today.
Keeley, Teagan, & Erin
Thank-you for the Christmas card! We are getting all of ours ready to send. Stop by and visit!
your pals, Morgan and Maisie
Hi you pups!
We got your very nice Christmas card and thanks so much! You are handsome guys.
We are sending an e-card so watch for it!
Hey guys! I got your PAWSOME card!
Thank you!
Bussie Kissies
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