Merry Christmas to one and all.
May your stockings be filled with wonderful thoughts and good wishes.
Our best vibes going out for the coming year.
Do you think that we will be able to get the crazy old bat to keep the blog updated in a more timely manner? Wish us luck.
Merry Xmas to you, Moco - and to all who you share your house with! Lovely wishes!
Hugs xo
Merry Xmas to you all too.. Don't give the old bag any problems or Santa Paw's will not come!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Merry Christmas to you, my friends!
I think Motch is turning into a crazy old bat, too...or else it's dementia. She can't seem to keep my blog updated either.
May all your Christmas wishes come true!
Merry Christmas to you too! I hope Santa brings you something yummy!
Merry Christmas! I heard if you tie a string to thier finger they will remember...worth a shot.
Merry Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Happy HOWLidays!
Good lukhk with the khrazy old bat!
Moco and Family!
I wish you all the best!
Health, peace, joy!
Merry Christmas!
Kisses and hugs
Have a Merry Christmas & a Wonderful New Year! May your stockings be filled with wonderful things too!
Happy Holidays and good luck with the old bat.
We hope you and all your family have a GREAT Christmas!
Awww, thanks for all the good wishes.
Wishes to you and the family for a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Merry Christmas to all of you too!
Good luck with the crazy old bat! =)
From my family to yours,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We WISH you a Merry CHRISTMAS,
and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
(And Mom & Dad)
I've heard something about "New Year's Resolutions." Maybe you can make your human do that for your blog? My resolution is to feast more every year, and it never really works out. I sure do try though...
Happy Holidays!
Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. Something tells me you better learn to type, Moco. From what I hear, bats just get older and crazier.
Good luck with that mission - we have missed you Moco! :)
Hello Moco and family,
Our batty human has the same problem too - sometimes she forgets even to update the blogs like forever until we yap till her ears falls off! :P
Hope christmas was wonderful with many treats and presents to go around. The tree looks great!
Wishing you a very happy new year!
Licks and wags
THe Dog WOods Pack
happy holidays! thanks for the adorable card
Hi Moco,
Hope you had a Merry Christmas! I think everyone is behind in blogging this time of year so don't be too hard on your mommy.
Our mommy is still trying to catch up. We don't know if she ever will?
Riley and Star.
Deew Moco Foley and Dawson
I hope that all thwee of you and the "cwazy old bab" had a wondewful chwissmuss and that the new yeaw bwings all of you good helath and love and tweats and lots of play. I do hope we see mowe 1of you in the new Yeaw. I love you all
smoochie kisses
Hope you had a wonderful Xmas! Best wishes for a happy new year!
I feel your pain, my ape has been especially lazy. And I have been being especially cute! Ridiculous. We hope you have a wonderful new year.
wally t.
Happy New Year to youse all!
Yes, well, my J says it is so hard to keep up with the trillion or so dog blogs nowadays, so what she is doing is just taking care of her Favourite Ones!
by the way, you are definitely one of our faves!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx oh and Jeannie xxxxx
Happy New Year to you and your whole family, Moco!
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