Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Transformation

For almost a week this tree has been taking root in the house. We were all at a loss as to the reason for it being inside the house and in the middle of the living room. The crazy old bat kept saying, "Moco, this tree has a purpose." It was never clear to us until today when the tree was transformed to this:

Dawson likes to think he had some magic power that changed the tree since his ugly old chair is right beside it. (If he had any magic power he would head to OZ to get a brain. )

One question remains at this time, where are the PRESENTS?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry nice!

Maybe the pressies are under that chair?


Charlie said...

I'm sure the treats will appear soon. Thanks for the card!!
- Charlie

Jake of Florida said...

Lovely tree. It takes time for a tree to hatch pressies though -- so be patient. (Not to easy for us doggies, huh?)

Wirey woofs!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Jake of Florida said...
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Dexter said...

Your tree looks amazing. That IS magic.


Pedro said...


Beautiful! We got our tree up and going this weekend too. I love Christmas time. Mom won't put presents under the tree til Christmas Eve though because she thinks I'll pee on them! Can you believe that?


Mack said...

That is one beautiful tree! I have a feeling there will be plenty of poochie presents under it real soon!

Gus said...

Treats are coming. Sandy Paws is bringing them.


Nancy at the Farm said...

Nice tree! Nice going Dawson....uh Moco!

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Fred said...

I have one of those, too! It (and the presents) are all barricaded when Old Girl leaves me alone, though. Boo.

Noah the Airedale said...

Has anyone piddled on the tree yet? Hehehe. Thanks for the awesome card pals.

Noah x

Peanut said...

Mom says she wants a real tree again. Maybe someday. Do you think now that Grammie got her tree all done it will make mom get ours done? Probably not. Oh and we know we didn't sign up for the card exchange but really how could you not send us a card?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Patience, Moco - the presents will be coming - just remember to be good. That's what we are hearing here - Santa know if you've been naughty or nice - so we are trying hard.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Lorenza said...

Hi, Moco!
Your tree is beautiful!
I have the same question... where are the presents! Mine does not have a single one either!
Kisses and hugs

Sierra Rose said...

Hi ya Moco, Foley, Dawson and family! Nice to meet you and many thanks for the holiday card!
Looks like your tree had a party and now looks so festive!

Come by for a visit sometime!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Deetz said...

What a wonderful transformation....
magic powers....hillarious!

Duke said...

You tree is just beautiful, Dawson! Santa will bring you lots of pressies! You've been a good doggie, right?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Huskee and Hershey said...

Your tree is VERY nice.. yes we agree, it's missing some presents, isn't it??

Bae Bae said...

I hope the presents are there now...

~ Bae

Petra said...

What a beautiful tree! You ask a very good question. Where ARE the presents, anyway?!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Your tree is beauteous!

No worries about the presents just live for the moment. the tree in all its beauty.

Peace and love.........your friends,

Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxxxx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Hi There ... I'm Sugar. LOVELY!!!
Just checking in if you received my ecard as part of the DWB Exchange Holiday Card ... if not it is posted on my blog. Looking forward to be blog friends. I've tried several time to be a follower of your blog but it won't let me ... I'll try when I get back.
Just want to wish you and your family Happy Holidays. I just posted my last post for the year ... we are going on a holiday break. Lots of Golden Holiday Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Nice Tree!

Thor and Jack said...

That´s a beautiful tree! I think the presents are coming Moco!

L^2 said...

Oooh, your tree is very pretty! We're sure the presents will appear soon.

Thank you for the pawsome holiday card. We’re having lots of fun getting to know other DWB members.

Happy holidays!

Love and lots of licks,
Stella and Leader Dog Willow

Asta said...

Youw twee weally was magically's bootiful..I think that pwime seating pawsition is quite clevew. fiwst to see the pwesents when Santa bwings them hehehe
smoochie kisses,ASTA

Life With Dogs said...

Don't forget to snag an ornament or two. ;)

Stanislaw said...

I come by way of the Goober blog and had to say a big HELLO to some fellow blogging spaniels. It's nice to 'meat' you.

I believe that tree in your room is the new weeble tree. It's got to be for your Good Boy Business since it's a tad too chilly outside to lift a leg. I suggest you give it a try!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

That sure is a pretty tree! Our Mom loves all things Christmas, yet we do not have our own tree this year! But we get to visit our hooman sissie's tree.
(Look in closets or under beds for pressies!)

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Your tree is so beautiful! Your mom did a great job. We don't have a tree. Apparently when Wilbur was an only pet, he broke some ornaments, so Mom is afraid that Wilbur plus two Sibes would not be a good combo for a tree. She's chicken.


i said...

Oh the tree is so beautiful! Hope the presents are stacking up by now.

Euri said...

What a gorgeous tree! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.